Foldable Smartphones | Coming Soon

Foldable smartphones are something i will say we have not seen over the recent years. But we might have seen online updates about Foldable smartphone that would be revealed in the years to come.


In the effort of being the first to create a foldable smartphone, the Huawei company are putting in effort to be the first company to create a foldable smartphone in November.

We know that this might not be a great idea for buyers but would you buy such a phone with a foldable screen?

The top companies compeiting to be the first to achieve this are; Huawei, Motorola and LG but am still wondering who would be first to create a foldable smartphone.

Speaking on buying when the phone is out, i will gladly observe from a far distance to see how reliable they are, how they handle knocks and bumps before i join the Association of Foldable Smartphone users.

So what about you?? feel free to comment
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