Facebook Releases Update For The Messenger App

Over the week, top social network company Facebook has rolled out their Messenger 4 update which comes with an easy interface, navigation and minimum tabs.

The tabs has been broken down to three simple units which are: Chats, People and Discover.

Chats is the default first page when you open the messenger app.

People: Online Facebook friends are located here and also where you can search through your entire friends list.

Finally, Discover is where everything else lives. That includes businesses you can message and Instant Games you can play on the Facebook platform.

Other updated on the Messenger 4 includes a new way to personalize conversations with a small update to chat customization called color gradients.

These new features called color gradients allow you to use more multiple colors to customize chat bubbles in conversations. These color gradients can be changed any time so that they reflect one’s mood during a conversation.

You should know that my color gradient if a chatting with a guy will always be RED and for the ladies, i will make use of pink.

Finally, Facebook also said it is working on new features to be added to the app during future updates, which include the Dark Mode and a renovated user interface.

Messenger 4 will be available for download to Android and iOS users in the coming weeks. Don't worry we will keep you updated.

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