Whatsapp Inc. Set To Update Whatsapp Web Security

 Welcome Reader. Today we would be looking at an important update which i think would be one of the factors which will decide if whatsapp is a secure platform for exchanging information and most importantly, if it offers maximum protection to users on it's platform.

Whatsapp Biometric Authentication

According to report by WAbetainfo, WhatsApp is experimenting with a security feature that will allow users to verify their identity for WhatsApp Web via verifying their biometric print on the fingerprint sensor on their smartphone.

The update can be found in the latest beta version of WhatsApp for Android which includes a fingerprint security verification feature and a number of bug fixes.

More specifically, it looks like you’ll need to open WhatsApp on your phone and scan your fingerprint when attempting a web session on your PC. Check out the screenshot below.

This functionality allows users to create a new WhatsApp Web session and confirm that it is you that is really logging into your whatsapp account via the Whatsapp web.

At this point, i really doubt if the whatsapp QR code will still be active or might still be needed. This update should help curtail the issue of hackers accessing someone's whatsapp account via the web feature. 

to enjoy this feature, you just have to upgrade your whatsapp application to the latest version version and then enjoy this update though at this moment, this feature is still in the update stage.

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